História de Lena Esther Smith

17-12-1887 - Cedar Rapids . depois 1972 - Albuquerque [idade: 85 anos]


Livro: Os descendentes de José Bueno & Anna Rita d'Oliveira Silvado e Scott Winfield Smith & Sarah Amelia Penn - Genealogia e Histórias

- Em carta de dez 1966 [De Lena para Maud e José Silvado Bueno pelas Bodas de Ouro]

Dear Maud e Bueno

Since I can't fly over to greet you I am coming via Kodak.

I have had fun making this booklet for your anniversary to tell a bit of the story of your 50 years together.

I couldn't resist starting with your baby picture 24 years before - You always were a charmer as this picture proves.

I am sorry 2 of the pictures were damaged, but tho I tried, I couldn't fix - Bueno's the proud parent, but you can see how handsome he was.

The picture taken in the window of your home in Bahia brought back so many memories. The Mission school John and Janet attended, where Peter and Irene worked. Even the trip with Peter up the mt side to visit the church where Dona Marie lived and the awful time I had trying to make a speech to people who had never heard English. Peter said: "one sentence at a time and I'll translate" But mother's sweet? How she did love every minute of the trip on land and sea.

With all my love, Lena

PS - I am so happy Phoebe and Ellis can visit you. I'll be there in spirit. 

- Em carta sem data [de Lena para sua sobrinha Janet Bueno Tuthill]

Dear Janet

Mabel sent your letter to me and a copy to Scott

My records show 

Bueno May 30, 1889 (?)

Maud Sept 11 - 1892

I doubt where I got his birth date.

I think 1892 is correct for Maud.

I was born Dec 17, 1887.

She was at least 5 years younger.

I don't know of any birth certificate for her.

They were married Dec 30, 1916 which would make Bueno 22 or 26 years and Maud 24 years.

He had graduated from Coe by then I think.

She must have been born in Cedar Rapids and was about 2 years old when we moved to Boone.

We also lived in Oskaloosa while Maud was a child, also Des Moines and we moved back to Cedar Rapids 1903. Dad preached there until probably 1912 when he became a missionary.

As I recall the story, she saw a little violin in a store window and cried so hard for it, Dad gave in and bought it, she began playing by ear - so he hired a teacher who said she must not have the violin except when I am with her - if I am to teach her.

Another story is: she was asked to play Home Sweet Home at a school program, she was playing by ear and couldn't find her way past the repeat - so Dad went up and carried off the platform. I don't think she had started to school yet.  I think she had some lessons but she always played by ear.

The story I know about how they met. She was playing her violin with some violinists (several) at Billy Sundays revival meeting. She could play with the pianist wherever he pitched the hymns.

This depended on audiences. Other players would ask what key, she could tell them and would go on playing.

Bueno inquired of several who she was. The ones he asked said she is daughter of a minister but didn't  know her name.  He was asked to speak at various churches and always hoped to find her. But not till he went to Coe social at church he had segued to attend.

Dad was not serving a church but travelling Iowa as a home missionary then and we moved our membership.

Bueno saw her at this social, asked to take her home, when she got home he discovered he was rooming across the street. Maud was a clerk at department store downtown. Their hours were different - ha! If he shoveled snow for mother it must have been after they met and he was glad for an excuse to be around.

This was Cedar Rapids. We lived just around corner from Coe Campus and they were married in our home by Dad.

I'll send this now and make a family tree later and may send any other anecdotes I recall.

They had quite a courtship. He proposed ... she said she ... but did not love him - until ROTC was called to Mexico border, then she decided it was love.

Decided to send the family tree. Hope you can figure it out.

( Nota: ROTC - Reserve Officers' Training Corps - is a group of college and university-based officer training programs for training commissioned officers of the United States Armed Forces). 


Copyrigth © 2021 . Priscilla Bueno