Árvore genealógica de Phoebe Elizabeth Smith

John Preston Smith + Sarah Jane Alloway
Scott Winfield Smith
26-11-1861 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
 †  20-10-1926 - Des Moines (IA) (EUA)
Edward Penn + Phoebe Koons
Sarah Amelia Penn (Sattie)
02-03-1862 (IA) (EUA)
 †  08-04-1942 - Covington (KY) (EUA)

Phoebe Elizabeth Smith

Phoebe Elizabeth Smith
02-03-1893 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
 † 03-02-1972
(idade: 79 anos)
Ellis Daniel Verink
27-10-1890 - Iowa Falls (IA) (EUA)
 †  1973

FILHO(s) de Phoebe Elizabeth Smith e Ellis Daniel Verink
Fredrick Scott Verink
15-02-1918 - Peking, Beijing (China)
Ellis Daniel Verink Junior
1920 - Pequim, Beijing (China) . † 04-10-2009 - Gainesville (FL) (EUA) [idade: 89 anos]
m- Wendy Verink
m- Barbara Verink


Livro: Os descendentes de José Bueno & Anna Rita d'Oliveira Silvado e Scott Winfield Smith & Sarah Amelia Penn - Genealogia e Histórias

- Em carta de 6 fev 1925 [de seu pai Scott Winfield Smith para Maud Smith Bueno] (...) Phoebe está no novo apartamento  em 92, Hamilton Ave, Yonkers, NY.

- Em nov 1966 Estiveram no Brasil visitando os Bueno.

- Em dez 1966 [carta para sua irmã Maud e seu cunhado José Silvado Bueno pela comemoração das Bodas de Ouro] We were very glad we could congratulate you in person - even if we were a bit early. How wonderful to see you after so many years! Sorry we couldn't see more of Campinas and the work there, but we wanted to see you and have time to hear all the family news. Wasn't it fun! We loved the "Music Man". It meant much to both of us to see Janet and Sam and the girls - Sylvia and Sandra gave us a real concert - piano - singing and guitar! They are following in the footsteps of their talented mother! We enjoyed our brief stay in Rio at Lancaster Hotel on Copacabana. We took the cable car to top of Sugar Loaf, but heavy clouds shrouded the top of Corcovado at the time of that tour. We saw the Christ statue at sunset but got no pictures.  We returned home Nov 11. We could see the Amazon clearly as we went over it. We stopped 1/2 hour at Caracas. Has about 1 hour in Miami before the plane to Tampa, then a taxi took us to Lakeland - a wonderful trip!

Very best wished to both of you at your Golden Wedding and Merry Christmas! Phoebe and Ellis

Copyrigth © 2021 . Priscilla Bueno