Árvore genealógica de Mabel Rose Smith

John Preston Smith + Sarah Jane Alloway
Scott Winfield Smith
26-11-1861 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
 †  20-10-1926 - Des Moines (IA) (EUA)
Edward Penn + Phoebe Koons
Sarah Amelia Penn (Sattie)
02-03-1862 (IA) (EUA)
 †  08-04-1942 - Covington (KY) (EUA)

Mabel Rose Smith

Mabel Rose Smith
18-01-1902 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
 † 1991
(idade: 89 anos)
Thomas Marshall Gilbert
19-02-1900 - Spirit Lake (IA) (EUA)
 †  23-01-1984

FILHO(s) de Mabel Rose Smith e Thomas Marshall Gilbert
Thomas Marshall Gilbert Junior
25-12-1928 - Palham (NY) (EUA) . † 2011 [idade: 83 anos]
Fredrick Scott Gilbert
15-07-1940 - Pelham (NY) (EUA) . † 22-03-2008 [idade: 68 anos]
m- Deborah Lynn Gilbert
m- Heather Anne Gilbert
m- Sarah Penn Gilbert


Livro: Os descendentes de José Bueno & Anna Rita d'Oliveira Silvado e Scott Winfield Smith & Sarah Amelia Penn - Genealogia e Histórias

- Em carta de 6 fev 1925 [de seu pai Scott Winfield Smith para sua irmã Maud Smith Bueno] Mother is so frail and Mabel is so busy with her school and I am so far away all the time.

- Em 1944 residiam em Pelham Manor, NY, USA quando José Silvado Bueno, sua esposa Maud e sua filha Janet mudaram-se de volta para os Estados Unidos. Janet hospedou-se com eles de julho a setembro de 1944 quando então fez seus exames para a Juilliard School. Nessa ocasião, um vitinho dos Gilbert gentilmente convidou Janet Bueno para usar seu piano de cauda e estudar se preparando para os exames.

Nesta mesma ocasião, Janet lembra-se que a tia Mabel levava de carro diariamente, no mesmo horário pela manhã, o marido para a estação de trem para ir trabalhar em Nova York. Esse trem o levava a Grand Central Station na rua 42, e a viagem levava 40 minutos. No final da tarde voltava, sempre no mesmo horário.

- Em dez 1966 [carta de sua Mabel e Tom para Maud e José Silvado Bueno pela comemoração das suas Bodas de Ouro] 

To the Bride and Groom 

We salute you on this very important day - December 28, 1966! and wish you many more years of happiness together and with your very special people!

Phoebe wrote "glowing" reports of her visit with you all. And of course Tom and I are delighted with the pictures of you!

My pictures of you two are only mental, but very vivid, that is - the ones of you way back when! Three of them stand out above the rest... (1) Maud nursing Bueno's frost-bitten ears! (2) Bueno showing us how to make good coffee from Brazilian coffee beans. I think I remember a comment to the effect that the spoon could stand erect in it! (3) Watching the tying-in-knots of the groom's pajamas, etc., and much pouring of rice into the suitcases!

Of course Tom and I will always remember Easter of 1926 when we visited you in Gainesville, Florida. We have pictures of Tom and little Janet (no bigger than a minute!)

This past summer I mounted all loose pictures in books, along with a few choice letters, etc.  One letter was the one Tom wrote to you, Maud, in answer to yours about "pussy willows by the brink are baby pussies, I think ...". Tom's answer was "Pussy willows by the brink are baby pussies, I don't think ...".  He signed it with his Trade Mark, a black Tom Cat sitting on a fence.  I'm pretty sure you had signed yours with "Hee-Haw and her name was Maud"! and a mule.

Well, "memories are made of this" and they are pretty precious.

Incidentally, Fred and Sharon presented us with our tenth grandchild on Dec. 18, 1966, Heather Anne Gilbert, 8 lbs 7 1/2 oz!

Fred says "she is a beautiful blue eyed blonde". That makes 5 girls and 5 boys.

Heather chose her great grandfather Fred Gilberts birthday to arrive on! He was born Dec. 18, 1866!

We will be thinking of you on Dec. 28!

Our love, Tom and Mabel

- Em email de 27 jan 2014 [de Sylvia Tuthill Aguirre para Priscilla Scott Bueno]  A Mother [Janet Bueno Tuthill] visitou seus tios, os irmãos Mabel e Scott, num retirement home em Sun City, Arizona, acho que lá para o final dos anos 80 ou começo dos anos 90.

Copyrigth © 2021 . Priscilla Bueno