Árvore genealógica de Scott Winfield Smith Jr

John Preston Smith + Sarah Jane Alloway
Scott Winfield Smith
26-11-1861 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
 †  20-10-1926 - Des Moines (IA) (EUA)
Edward Penn + Phoebe Koons
Sarah Amelia Penn (Sattie)
02-03-1862 (IA) (EUA)
 †  08-04-1942 - Covington (KY) (EUA)

Scott Winfield Smith Jr

Scott Winfield Smith Jr
17-06-1897 - Boone (IA) (EUA)
 † 1986 (EUA)
(idade: 89 anos)
Coetta Mae Foster
ca 1906 - Kansas City (MO) (EUA)
Thelma Collins
 †  1978

FILHO(s) de Scott Winfield Smith Jr e Thelma Collins


Livro: Os descendentes de José Bueno & Anna Rita d'Oliveira Silvado e Scott Winfield Smith & Sarah Amelia Penn - Genealogia e Histórias

- Em 1910 no censo de Cedar Rapids, IA, tinha 12 anos.

- Médico radiologista., PhD.

- Em carta de 6 fev 1925 [de seu pai Scott Winfield Smith para sua irmã Maud Smith Bueno] Scott has his foot out of the cast now and it is better than he had hoped for. It has more action at the ankle and seems to be a very good foot. He weights about 180 pounds and he must be nearly as long as Bueno.

- Em carta de 2 jan 1942 [de Indianópolis, Indiana de sua mãe Sarah Penn para sua irmã Maud Smith Bueno, no Brasil] I had a nice time with Scott, Scott III and Thelma on Christmas and they had me again New Year's Day. Scott took Thelma and I to a movie while Little Scott slept and he went home to write some letters, but Scott III woke up and so daddy spent three hours reading an interesting book to him. Then put him to bed around 7 pm and told him it anyone knocked to stay in bed and not try to see who it was. Just go to sleep while Daddy went to get Mother and Grandma. It was an interesting movie and Thelma had a nice rest.

- Em carta de 16 out 1966 (para Maud e José Silvado Bueno) 

papel timbrado com as informações no topo:

Scott W. Smith, PhD

10210 Grosvenor Place

Rockville, Maryland 20852

Area 301: 933-4582


e no rodapé:

Certified by American Board of Radiology

in X-ray and radium physics

American Board of Health Physics

Cobalt 60 and X-ray Therapy Calibrations

Protection Studies



Greetings for your Golden Wedding Anniversary to Maud and José

Dear Maudie and Bueno: 

It is an understatement to say "Tempus Fugit"! However it is all too true that "Time Marches On".  Isn't it wonderful that two sisters now have reached that outstanding milestone and Mabel will be celebrating her "50th" in a few years.  It looks like Thelma and Scott will have to wait 17 long years before they can join your distinguished ranks. Our heartiest congratulations and best wished for another "fifty".

It must be fun to look back your long happy years together and reminisce. Maybe someday we will indulge ourselves with that happy pastime when I have retired. Thelma has a large stack of scrap books and albums which are being saved for those carefree days.

But now, let's see if I can remember some of those early scenes "when you and I were young".  I seem to remember a large tent on the island in the Cedar River and a man names Billy Sunday! There was a pretty brunette on the platform playing a violin. A pair of dark eyes in the audience got much brighter when they glimpsed that young violinist.  Those two souls seemed pretty far apart at that moment but a kind fate was to intercede.  What a cunning surprise fate had when by chance those dark eyes strayed into the very church that the violinist attended. Ah but that was not all, cute old Mr. Fate had a trump card up his sleeve the dark eyes lived directly across the street - and had for some time - from the young violinist!! Now just how can two young persons escape such an intricate trap! Virginia, who said there wasn't a Santa Claus!!

Like everyone else, you have had your bountiful years and your lean ones, your happy ones and your sad ones, your healthy ones and some sick ones - - but our guess is that when you add it all up and take the average it has come out pretty much on the plus side.  For one thing, we thank the good Lord above that you have been spared to enjoy and celebrate your wonderful Golden Fiftieth.  Ans particularly, Maudie, that your leg healed up so you could have a few years free from that burden - - and that you, Bueno, were able to survive your illness of several years ago.  Thelma and I wish you a wonderful Golden Anniversary and many happy healthy, enjoyable years to come. Much love, Scott and Thelma

- Em email de 27 jan 2014 [de Sylvia Tuthill Aguirre para Priscilla Scott Bueno]  A Mother [Janet Tuthill] visitou [seus tioos e irmãos] Uncle Scott e Aunt Mabel, num retirement home em Sun City, Arizona, acho que lá para o final dos anos 80 ou começo dos anos 90. 


Copyrigth © 2021 . Priscilla Bueno