Livro: Os Carneiro de Mendonça
Livro: Queiroz, Borges da Costa, Machado & Palhares - Genealogia e Histórias
Livro: Os descendentes de José Bueno & Anna Rita d'Oliveira Silvado e Scott Winfield Smith & Sarah Amelia Penn - Genealogia e Histórias
- Trabalhou como secretária em várias empresas e tem como hobby diversos tipos de trabalhos manuais. Em dez 1985 foi transferida pela Dow Química para São Paulo, onde foi trabalhar no departamento de Sistemas de Marketing como Especialista de Sistemas.
- Começou a fazer pesquisa genealógica em 1974.
- Em 3 dez 1945 [carta da avó Maud Bueno, em Washington, para os avós Anna Amelia e Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça, no Rio de Janeiro, a propósito do seu nascimento]
My dear Da. Anna Amelia and Dr. Marcos
Bueno is writing you also, but I want to add my special thank you and congratulations. We have been so glad that you, her nearest and dearest, could be with her at this time, when her beloved had to be so far away - I hope all is well with her and I know the baby is darling.
With my Scotch-Irish Pennsylvania Holland-dutch and Bueno's Portuguese, French and Spanish and your fine pure strains blended, Priscilla Scott should be a very talented and exceptional young lady - we all are justly proud of the way Heliodora has met this great moment. She surely has shown a wonderful courage and has met all this uncertain "coming" and "going" and "not coming" and "not going", with extreme fortitude and we know it was not easy.
We are so glad you can have these first months with her and the baby. We hope she will come to us, for a time at least, and we assure you she shall have everything love can give her.
John received our wire upon his arrival in Corpus Christi, Dec. 3. I know how happy he was that all was well. Bueno and Janet have been so very close to one another and I think Heliodora and her father also. Daughters have a way with their Fathers!! So I know John will be pleased and hope Heliodora was not disappointed that instead of a "Junior", she has a "Junior Miss".
Bueno was very happy to receive Dr. Marcos' letter and I believe has answered it . We do not yet know just why John's release has to be delayed for so long, but I do know he was very anxious and was looking forward to going to the Esperança project. As Dr. Marcos said, "two years will pass". And we hope in the meantime to see you both and offer our humble home and our hospitality to you.
We sent word to Janet and she was in Philadelphia at the time, singing and playing at some International meeting at the University. The Rex Crawfords entertained her as guest in their home. She has a wonderful time and the wonderful news that she was an aunt was awaiting her at the Parnassus Club, when she returned.
They have had blizzards and heavy snows in the East and in New York! Washington, so far, has had only very gloomy - chilly, drizzling rain.
We are hoping John can spend Christmas with us and if he comes we will call Heliodora by phone, so he may say Merry Christmas and hello to his wife and baby.
I hope he wired you his address. He did not put it on his message to us, bur Bueno went to the Department of Aeronautics at the Embassy and they gave it to him. It is: Naval Air Training Navigation School, Corpus Christi, Texas, U.S.A.
There are about 18 or 20 different bases there and about 25.000 trainees, so one needs to know where he is.
Regards to all, Maud Bueno
- Em carta de 21 mar 1946 de Corpus Christi, Tx [de João Scott Bueno para Anna Amelia e Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça] A Priscilla ingressou finalmente na rotina do médico americano.
- Em carta de 5 out 1946 de Corpus Christi, TX [de João Scott Bueno para Anna Amelia e Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça] (...) It is already starting to get cold here and our little Priscilla is doing just fine, having a wonderful time all day long jumping and talking and now she has just started to take her first steps under her own control, that is to say she will let go of her hold on something to walk towards you for two or three steps at a time.
I am quite sure now that we will be coming home not latter than the middle of March next year. (...)
- Em carta de 14 out 1947 [de Maud Smith Bueno para Anna Amelia e Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça] We are very much at fault and we hope you both are feeling fit after your trip to Esperança. Heliodora was so very happy to have her family there to help celebrate her birthday and yours. (...) We envy you your visit with our little Priscilla. She must be quite a young lady with her almost 2 years of advanced age! She could not help but be unusual, with you both and Heliodora as parents.
- Em carta de 20 dez 1968 São Paulo, SP [de José Silvado Bueno para Heliodora Carneiro de Mendonça] Querida Heliodora, Chegando há dias de Campinas onde o Sam e família foram nos buscar, encontramos o convite para o casamento da querida Priscilla.
Como já lhe havia escrito, lamentamos profundamente não poder estar com vocês nesse grande dia. Em 65 um enfarto do miocárdio quase me levou! Este ano já tive dois sérios ameaços e ando sob muito regime e medicação. Para que?
Vê aí o porque da nossa impossibilidade. mas estamos com vocês e particularmente com a nossa primogênita, desejando-lhe e ao seu bem-amado, as mais ricas felicidades do Alto.
Escreva-nos quando houver uma folguinha.
Nossos abraços muito carinhosos para todos vocês, dos pais e vôs, Rev Bueno e Maud.
- Em 28 mar 1978, de Brasília, DF, Armando Carneiro de Mendonça me escreveu e me enviou uma cópia do livro GENEALOGIA LUZIANA.