Árvore genealógica de Maude Amelia Smith

John Preston Smith + Sarah Jane Alloway
Scott Winfield Smith
26-11-1861 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
 †  20-10-1926 - Des Moines (IA) (EUA)
Edward Penn + Phoebe Koontz
Sarah Amelia Penn (Sattie)
02-03-1862 (IA) (EUA)
 †  08-04-1942 - Covington (KY) (EUA)

Maude Amelia Smith

Maude Amelia Smith
11-09-1892 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
 † 14-12-1970 - São Paulo (SP) (Brasil)
(idade: 78 anos)
José Silvado Bueno
cc em 28-12-1916 - Cedar Rapids, IA, EUA
30-05-1894 - Mogi Mirim (SP) (Brasil)
 †  08-09-1969 - São Paulo (SP) (Brasil)

FILHO(s) de Maude Amelia Smith e José Silvado Bueno
José Smith Bueno
07-11-1917 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA) . † 08-11-1917 - Cedar Rapids (IA) (EUA)
Janet Sylvia Bueno
12-12-1924 - Dubuque (IA) (EUA) . † 02-04-2012 - St Joe (FL) (EUA) [idade: 88 anos]
m- Sylvia Bueno Tuthill
m- Sandra Bueno Tuthill


Livro: Os Carneiro de Mendonça

Livro: Os descendentes de José Bueno & Anna Rita d'Oliveira Silvado e Scott Winfield Smith & Sarah Amelia Penn - Genealogia e Histórias

- Estudou violino desde pequena. Também estudou voz no Conservatório de Musica em Coe College.

- Em 28 abr 1916, ficaram noivos em Cedar Rapids, IA, USA.


Announce Engagement at Halloween Party

At a clever Halloween party in the home of the Rev. Scott W. Smith, DD., 119 South Thirteenth street, Miss Maud Smith announced her engagement to Jose S. Bueno, of Wheeling, W. Va.  Mr. Bueno is a graduate of Coe College and is now teaching Spanish in the high School in Wheeling.  December 28 is the date of the wedding.

Miss Smith, who was a clerk in the Martin Dry Goods store until a few weeks ago, entertained the clerks on the first floor  and the office force, twenty being present. The guests came dressed as children and a "kids party" furnished much merriment.  The house was decorated a la Halloween. Tillie Hanzlik won the prize for finding the most words in the word "Halloween". Mrs. Belle Brecht dressed at "the devil",  was the hit of the evening.  What children like best to eat was served as refreshments, including banberry tarts , stuffed olives, sugared doughnuts, bread and butter and sugar and milk.  Miss Smith sang "Moo Cow Moo" and  "Awful Nellyphant".  During the evening a yellow silk bag containing a black cat on which the names of Miss Smith and Mr. Bueno were written, was pinned to the coat of each departing guest.  The merriment was interrupted by the news that one of their number, Miss Abrams, en route to the party, was serious injured in the west side street car accident.

- Em 28 dez 1916, casaram-se em Cedar Rapids, IA, USA

Popular Cedar Rapids Girl is Bride of South American

The marriage of Miss Maude Amelia Smith, daughter of the Rev. and Mrs. Scott W. Smith and José Silvado Bueno was solemnized last evening at 7:30 o'clock at the home of the bride, 119 South Thirteenth street. The bride's father performed the ceremony.

Smilax, bride roses and yellow and white nascissus made a pretty setting for the wedding. Prof. H. Goodell Bauscher played the wedding music and Mrs. Bauscher sang "O Promise Me".  The bridesmaids were the bride's sisters, the Misses Lena and Mabel Smith.  Walter Garrett and Scott W. Smith Jr., served as best men.  The bride's dress as of white crepe de chene with a short veil caught with a wreath of orange blossoms.

Mr. and Mrs. Bueno left today for Wheeling, W. Va., stopping a few days in Chicago. The bride studied voice in the Conservatory of Music at Coe and Mr. Bueno was a student in the college. She was a member of the Choral union and of Westminster choir.  Mr. Bueno was born in France, but spent his boyhood in Brazil where his father had business interests.  He came to Iowa to enter Ames for a course in animal husbandry. Later he came to Cedar Rapids and in June, 1916, was graduated from the Liberal Arts department of Coe.  He served with the Iowa militia on the Mexican border, but was released in September to take up his work as instructor of Spanish in the high school at Wheeling.

A reception will be given at Wheeling for the bridal couple New Year's day by the church of which Mr. Bueno is a member.  They will be at home in Wheeling after February 1.




Smith - Bueno


The marriage of Miss Maude Amelia Smith and Jose Silvado Bueno took place Thursday evening, December 28, at 7:30 o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents.  Rev. and Mrs. Scott W. Smith, 119 South Thirteenth street.  Smilax, bride roses and yellow and white narcissus made a pretty setting for the wedding.  Prof H. Goodell Bauscher played the wedding music and Mrs. Bauscher sand "O Promise Me".  The bridesmaids were the bride's sisters, the Misses Lena Esther and Mabel Smith.  Walter Garrett and Scott W. Smith Jr., attended the bridegroom.

The bride was lovely in a gown of white crepe de chine and Georgette crepe embroidered in white silk and silver. Her long tulle veil was caught with orange blossoms and her bouquet was of bride roses with a shower os lilies of the valley. Miss Lena Esther wore rose pink crepe de chine and Miss Mabel wore blue silk.  The bride's father said the marriage service.  The ceremony and congratulations were followed by refreshments. It was a small wedding, only for the bride's relatives and a few intimate friends being present.

The bride and groom will leave today for Wheeling, W. Va., stopping a few days in Chicago en route. The bride studied voice in the Conservatory of Music at Coe where Mr. Bueno was a student in the college. She was a member of the Choral union and of Westminster choir.  Mr. Bueno was born in France, but spent his boyhood days in Brazil, where his father had business interests.  He came to Iowa to enter Ames for a course in animal husbandry.  Later he came to Cedar Rapids and in June 1916, was graduated from Coe, department of Liberal Arts.  He served with the Iowa Militia on the Mexican border, but was released in September to take up his work as instructor of Spanish in the high school at Wheeling.

The bride's father, formerly pastor of the Sinclair Memorial Presbyterian church of this city, has entered the field as synodical superintendent for Iowa. 

Out-of-town guests at the wedding were Mr. and Mrs. E.D. Verink of McPherson, Kan., Mrs. Verink is a sister of the bride. 


- Em 16 jan 1922 [List or Manifest of Alien Passengers for the United States] José Silvado Bueno, 29 anos, professor; Maud Smith Bueno, 29 anos, do lar; Idelphonso Bueno, 12 anos, estudante; João Bueno, 10 meses.

- Em carta de 14 out 1947 [de Maud Smith Bueno para Anna Amelia e Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça] Residiam em 5331 4th street NW ap 4 Washington, DC. (...) Janet has just spent another long week-end with us here in Washington and we talked over with her the possibility of our returning to Brazil after the first of the year. (...)

- Em carta de 27 abr 1957 [ de José Silvado Bueno (Santos Caixa Postal 682) para Anna Amelia e Marcos Carneiro de Mendonça] Da. Maud está internada novamente desde 22 de abril, desta vez por alguns dias apenas. A cicatrização se dava muito lenta. Foi preciso nova intervenção, mas assim mesmo durou uma hora. Esperamos que regresse até fins da semana próxima.

- Em carta de 29 dez 1966 [do filho João Scott Bueno, pelas Bodas de Ouro]

* Viagens e locais de moradia dos Bueno, anotados no livro de casamento com letra de Maude Smith Bueno:

1917_jan_01 a 1917_jun_17 Wheeling, West Virginia

1917_jun_17 a 1917_dec_26 Cedar Rapids

1917_dec_26 a 1918_jun - Bloomington, Indiana

1918_set_01 a 1919_maio - New York City, NY

1919_maio a 1920_abr_28 - Brooklyn, NY

1920_maio_15 - Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

1920_maio_20 - São Paulo

1920_maio_28  Campinas

1920_jun e jul - Jacutinga (S. de Minas)

1920_jul - fazenda de Joaquim Cardoso

1920_jul_15 Escola Agricola, Lavras, Oeste de Minas


nov 2 a dez 23 - São Paulo, Brasil, América do Sul - Braz, rua Brigadeiro Machado 11 - Eduardo Wolff

Santos, Brasil, América do Sul

Curvello (ex_ German boat - Lloyd Brasileiro Line - United States)

1923 a 1925 - Dubuque, Iowa

1925 a 1927 - Gainesville, Florida

1927 - Winter Park, Florida


1929 - Lavras, Minas

1932 - Bahia

1933 - Recife

1934 - Rio

1935 - Niterói

1940 - Rio

1944 - Washington D.C.


- Em 10 set 1972 

Igreja Episcopal do Brasil, Missão de S. André, Campinas, SP 

Ofício em Memória de Maud Amelia Smith Bueno

Nasceu nos Estados Unidos em Cedar Rapids, IA a 11 de setembro de 1892. Dona Maud como todas a conheciam, criou-se no seio de uma família humilde e cristã. Seus pais, o pastor presbiteriano Rev. Scott Winfield Smith e Sarah Penn, tiveram cinco filhos, quatro mulheres e um homem. Desde criança a pequena Maud demonstrou inclinação marcante para a música.  Certo dia, ainda na idade pré-escolar, viu um violino exposto numa vitrine e ficou encantada. Chorou muito até que seu pai, com grande sacrifício, comprou o seu primeiro violino e lhe conseguiu um bom professor. A menina progrediu rapidamente e com poucas aulas já tocava todos os hinos. Aos nove anos, quando seu primeiro recital, foi considerada uma virtuose do violino.

Aqueles que conheceram Dona Maud, com o seu gênio espontâneo e alegre, poderão imaginar como deve ter sido a sua juventude. Era brincalhona e dotada  de uma personalidade muito vivaz e por conseguinte vivia pregando peças na família. Certa vez, na véspera de Natal, fingiu ser uma sonâmbula para que pudesse sair do seu quarto afim de espiar os preparativos para a chegada de Papai Noel!

Quando cursava a faculdade, Coe College, já era uma jovem artista de certa projeção. Foi convidada para tocar violino no culto em que pregava o famoso evangelista Billy Sunday. Fazia parte da enorme congregação um jovem estudante brasileiro que havia sido atraído para aí devido ao nome famoso do pregador. Aconteceu porém que ele ficou mais fascinado ainda pela talentosa violinista.  Quando soube que era filha do Rev. Smith com alegria verificou que moravam na mesma rua.  E assim teve início o romance de Maud Smith e José Silvado Bueno.

Casaram-se em 1916, sendo a cerimônia oficiada pelo Rev. Smith e em 1920 vieram para o Brasil. Tiveram dois filhos: João Scott nascido em Lavras, MG, Comandante-aviador aposentado e Janet Sylvia, nascida em Dubuque, Iowa a conhecida cantora e pianista Delora Bueno. Dona Maud viveu cerca de 40 anos no Brasil e apesar do seu sotaque inconfundível, tinha orgulho de considerar-se brasileira.  Sempre teve problemas de saúde e submeteu-se a inúmeras intervenções cirúrgicas.

Em 8 de setembro de 1969 sofreu um grande golpe com o falecimento de seu dedicado marido e companheiro de meio século, o Rev. José Silvado Bueno, que se tornara ungido pregador e ilustre clérigo episcopaliano.

A saudosa Dona Maud faleceu a 14 de dezembro de 1970 em São Paulo e agora repousa ao lado de seu esposo no Cemitério do Campo dos Amarais em Campinas, SP.

- Em ca 2000 - notas Janet Bueno Tuthillde: My mother was a seamstress and did most of her sewing by hand. She did beautiful crochet. She was very musical. Had played the violin since childhood. Had a beautiful voice and an inate talent for singing in harmony. During college she and my dad took voice lessos together and often sang duets. My mother was a very sweet person with a strong will and personality.


Copyrigth © 2021 . Priscilla Bueno